The Astrology of March 2021
March feels a little heavy this year, eh? It feels awkward writing this, on the precipice of a deeply unfortunate anniversary. March marks the 1 year mark that the world shut down in response to Covid-19. 1 year since works like "social distancing" and "anti-maskers" entered our daily vocabulary.
Over the past 12 months, tracking the movement of the planets has given me a sense of stability in the midst of unprecedented uncertainty. While I can't control international, federal or provincial governments respond to the pandemic, I can take 15 minutes a day to make note of what the planets are up to and reflect on how I am feeling on that particular day. That small act - repeated over and over again over the past year — has helped me better understand what I am feeling, why it is happening and — most important, IMO — when it will pass.
The next 31 days can really be summarized as: A Tale of Two Marches. For the first 20 days, we have an extremely artistic, dreamy, and foggy energy, with Venus exalted and more/less protected from the Sun's beams while in her chariot. Venus is giving us plenty of blessings, but obscured by the Sun's rays, we might not feel her presence in our day to day. Trust that she is working her magic, bringing growth and fertility to whatever area of your life is ruled by Pisces. The New Moon on March 13 is a potent moment of creativity, imagination and spirituality, one that invites you to plant seeds about the dreams you want to bring into your daily reality.
And then, on March 20, we have a VERY dramatic change in energy. As the Sun and Venus move into Aries, then Venus makes an exact conjunction to the Sun. This is going take us from a dreamy, artistic and flowy energy into a very productive, driven and ambitious state of mind. Maybe this will feel like you're drying off over a soggy, confusing and unproductive period. Or maybe it'll feel like a sudden crash to reality after a lovely, dreamy daze.
No matter how it hits you — let me know how it goes! It's always so fascinating to hear how these transits play out in your life and how much these forecasts resonate with you. And, if you're ready to go deeper with your chart and you want to know how these transit will affect you personally, you can book a natal chart reading today!
March 3 - Mars enters Gemini
It's with a sigh of relief that Mars leaves Taurus, a sign where Mars he has been since early January. Mars leaving Taurus is nice for a couple of reasons — in general, Mars doesn't love to be in Taurus. Taurus energy supports nourishment, growth and fertility... which all are very antithetical to Mars' "cut first, ask questions later" attitude. So Mars in Gemini is definitely a nice shift from the "trying to run through a bog" energy that Mars in Taurus can sometimes activate.
But specifically, Mars has been causing a lot of trouble in the collective over the past 6 weeks. Throughout February, we've had a collection of planets in Aquarius — Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, plus the Sun for the first 3 weeks — a sign that is square to Taurus. Squares bring tense, frustrated energies to the surface. I think about square energy as being like two people who want to accomplish the same task, but who have opposite approaches. There's a feeling of vying for power or asserting control, with lots of collateral damage.
But Mars entering Gemini is kind of like the joke that cuts a tense silence. Mars moves from being square to the collection of planets in Aquarius to being trine the planets. This is a much more encouraging and supportive energy.
When Mars in Gemini, "not moving fast enough" is probably the least of your worries. In Gemini, Mars is invited to be apply its sharp edges to words, wit and business strategy. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which gives this Mars a very Mercurial vibe — Mars-Mercury combinations are great to analysis, investigation, and for using data/facts as a tool for moving forward or exerting your will in the world.
One hiccup in this transit through Gemini is that the North Node is currently in Gemini. In traditional astrology, the North Node points to increase, drive, and hunger. It indicates where we want more, where we are hungry for achievement, what we desire. When Mars and the North Node come together, it can really turn up the knob on Mars’ aggression and drive. Do your best to manage or harness this energy. Give it focus and direction (whether it’s working on a project or just going for a walk), so that it has an outlet. When Mars in Gemini energy gets stagnant, it tends to explode. This is a great month for exploring what’s a manageable pace of productivity for your mind and mental health.
March 4 - Mercury conjunct Jupiter at 17° Aquarius
This is the third and final conjunction Mercury will make to Jupiter this year, as the two planets wrap up their latest cycle together. Mercury has made 2 other conjunctions with Jupiter thus far in 2021 — the initial conjunction was back on January 11, and then on February 14 while Mercury was retrograde. March 4 is the third and final conjunction, with Mercury now firmly direct and moving forward.
This back to the events of January 11 and February 14 — what themes were occurring around this time related to beliefs and faith; your long-term vision or dream for your future? Mercury and Jupiter are natural contraries — Mercury is all about details, analysis, breaking things down into component parts so we can understand them and put them back together in new and different ways. Jupiter takes things on faith. Jupiter wants us to believe. Jupiter wants us to dream big and plan for a brighter future. Over the past 3 days (but especially on the days mentioned above), what new information have you received that will help you achieve your dreams? What hints or nudges are you receiving from the universe right now, point you in the right direction?
As this is the third and final conjunction, with Mercury now direct, it's possible you will receive a new piece of information, a new solution will present itself, or there will be some kind of change and reversal in whatever topics Aquarius rules in your chart. This can be a lovely transit for generosity of spirit — whether that is sharing knowledge that would otherwise be gate kept, or by using your privilege to defend someone else. But more than anything, I encourage you to use this time to dream and plan for your future and trust yourself enough to ask for what you truly want. Think about the yearning you have that your heart hopes beyond hope you'll but you feel too afraid to even dream about, let alone admit to saying out loud.... Write down that dream. Dare to ask for what you truly want.
March 10 - Sun conjunct Neptune at 20° Pisces
The Sun is the guiding light of the solar system. It represents enlightenment, clarity, purification and illumination. When the Sun makes a conjunction with Neptune — planet of delusion, illusion, confusion, and dissolved boundaries — things get... foggy, to say the least. Jupiter, Pisces' ruling planet, is currently in neighbouring Aquarius, which means they planets are averse to each other. That's fancy astrology talk for: Jupiter can't see what's going on and can't help out at all.
Watch out for things to feel extremely fuzzy for the few days before this transit and in the lead up to the New Moon. Neptune is a really tricky planetary energy to deal with, because even while it tempts us creativity, imagination and fantasy, more often than not, it ends up being about confusion and delusion. more than anything else, Neptune dissolves boundaries and yearns for wholeness. This transendence into unity can show up in being so moved by a piece of art you feel transported... but as I've learned from the astrologer Acyuta-hava Dasa, Neptune has historically been heavily implicated in the event charts of genocides. That desire for wholeness and unity can easily be corrupted and overwhelming, especially when it doesn't have a counter-balancing force.
March 13 - New Moon at 23° Pisces; Venus conjunct Neptune at 20° Pisces
The New Moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle, a new "moonth" for us to work with. The chart of the New Moon plants a seed for the cycle to come — a "promise" is made, when the Moon and the Sun come together in the same sign, at the same degree. The Moon under goes a kind of "purification" process, where the last month is burned away, and we are dealt a new hand by fortune.
This New Moon chart has some serious Venus and Neptune energy. Just as the Sun and Moon are coming together, Venus is passing over Neptune at 20° Pisces, within 3° of the New Moon. Venus and Neptune make quite the pair. Venus brings out the creative, artistic and imaginative quality of Neptune. It's a mood of exotic and mystical appeal, ethereal charm, romantic bliss. It can evoke feelings of whimsy and reverie, beautiful dreams and imaginations, sweet intoxication. The haze of desire and lust. Loosing yourself in a drug-fuelled haze. Expanding your mind with new forms of art and expression. And, as Renn Butler's The Archetype Universe describes it, "sweet sighs."
Neptune dissolves while Venus builds relationship and centres pleasure and joy. Neptune will cloud things over, seduce you, tell you everything you want to hear, but never deliver on its promises. The downsides of Venus-Neptune combinations is a "tendency toward starry-eyed romantic mirages or illusions," continues Butler. Overidealization, rose coloured glasses, putting someone on a pedestal, wanting to simply dissolve into someone else and have them take care of us and be everything for us.
If you're someone who struggles to unwind or let go of control, this could beautiful time to set intentions to nourish and develop your creativity, passion and art. But if you're someone who already struggles with porous boundaries, this is definitely a time to shore those up. Take a salt bath, block your ex on social media, put your phone in airplane mode if you have to. This would be a lovely day to take time off work and treat yourself to a walk in nature or read a book of poetry. Something that nourishes your creativity and where you can indulge the luxuriousness of the Venus-Neptune combination in safety.
This is an important moment in a longer cycle between Venus and the Sun. Later this month, on March 26, Venus will conjoin the sun in early degrees of Aries, thus beginning a cycle between Venus and the Sun. Venus will undergo her own purification process at that time, before she emerges as the evening star. More about that on March 26, but it's important to know that the anticipation of the upcoming cazimi is part of this New Moon energy, part of the seed we are planting.
This is one of the most powerful New Moons of the year, and offers an opportunity to plant a seed or set an intention that brings you closer to your spirituality, your intuition and your emotions. It can be a powerful opportunity to open up, to connect, and to share your creativity and vision with the world. But it can also be a time where you lose yourself in your beliefs, potentially even falling victim to false idols or corrupt ideologies, especially if you're someone who is easily influenced by persuasive figures.
March 15 - Mercury enters Pisces
Another planet joins the mutable party, which officially means the inner planets are all firmly in mutable signs. This is quite a different tone than even 1 month ago, when we had 6/7 traditional planets in Fixed signs. Especially in the wake of the New Moon-Venus-Neptune conjunction, watch out for things to feel more fluid and flexibility than they have been recently. This might be quite jarring on our nervous systems, especially if we're people who tend to more comfortable with an iron grip of control, as opposed to the nebulous fogginess of this time.
Pisces is the sign of both Mercury's exile AND fall, meaning Mercury is particularly challenged to do their thing. Our thinking and calculations might be extra foggy over the next few weeks, while Mercury makes its ways through Jupiter's water halls. Remember that Mercury-Jupiter conjunction earlier in March? Well, now is the time to start thinking more deeply about how to make those ideas a reality. You might not be able to fully execute on them, just yet, but you can start to really affirm the dreams you had earlier this month and begin to articulate them. Remember that dream you wrote down on March 4? Revisit it. Remember what your heart is dreaming about. This is a good month to start exploring it.
When Mercury is in Pisces, we can often struggle with "clear thinking" or linear thought. We might not feel as productive or "on the ball" as we normally do. And even though that's a pain in the ass in a capitalistic society where everything runs according to urgent details and the devil is in the details, it isn't inherently a problem. There are some real upsides to this transit, including more poetic, imaginative or creative thought. If you can find a way to keep yourself tethered to reality as Mercury navigates the lazy, hazy, dazy halls of Pisces, it might make logistics a little bit easier.
Or you can just say "fuck it" and let the next few weeks be a bit more expansive and creative.
March 16 & 18 - Sun, Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto at 25° Capricorn
The Sun and Venus end their stay in Pisces with a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. Sextiles generally are a low-key positive energy that require us to do a bit of coordination in order to fully take advantage of them. Pluto is a dramatic planet. It speaks to deep transformation, profound awakenings, monumental shifts. Since this is just a sextile, it probably won't blow up your life, which is nice. These couple of days are lovely invitations to go deep and explore the hidden depths — especially with whatever themes have begun to materialize after the New Moon.
March 20 - Sun enters Aries
Happy Aries season! Happy Spring Equinox to my fellow Northern Hemisphere folks, happy Fall Equinox for the folks in the Southern Hemisphere. In the tropical zodiac, the Spring Equinox is seen as the beginning of the year, and the beginning of the Zodiac. This is the moment where the Sun begins its journey back into its active state. The days slowwwwly get longer and longer, as the Sun increases its strength and vitality.
The early days of Aries season (and the last 10 days of March) see a number of significant transits of the faster-moving inner planets — most notably Venus, although Mercury and Mars are certainly getting to trouble. When the inner planets change sign, we tend to feel it more as a change in quality of our day to day life. It's kind of like when the weather suddenly gets nice and there's a shift in the mood.
This year, we're in for a very striking shift from Pisces into Aries. Venus and the Sun extremely close together right now, with Venus trailing behind the Sun by a degree or so. But as we've discussed, when Venus is in Pisces, she is in her chariot, protected somewhat from the Sun's scorching rays.
But as soon as the Sun and Venus move into Aries, the energy is suddenly reversed. When the Sun enters Aries, he enters the sign of his exaltation. With the return of the light, the Sun is lifted up and gets an extra boost. I'll talk about what this means for Venus below, but the important thing to remember is that we are in very a strong shift in energy and tone. We're moving away from the dreamy, wishy washy, soothing waters of Pisces, and into a much more energetic, driven, and even aggressive mode.
Happy birthday, Aries babes. Want be prepared for what the year has in store for you? Book a year ahead reading to receive a deep dive into the themes of the year ahead and what energies you might experience. Click here to book a reading!
March 21 - Venus enters Aries; Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius
Venus is having QUITE the week. On Sunday, March 21, Venus leaves the sign of her exaltation and enters Aries, the zodiac sign opposite of Libra, and therefore, the sign where she is "exiled". Venus is far away from home in Aries, where must navigate energy that is much more aggressive, combative and individualist than she would prefer. (Note: I'm not talking about Aries people — whether you were born with the Sun or Venus in Aries — there's so much more to a chart than just one piece!) This means that Venus has lost some of her essential dignity. While in Aries, Venus has to answer to Mars, and **she isn't quite as able to work her usual Venus magic.
There's something else very important happening with Venus, however. For weeks now, Venus has been hidden, obscured by the Sun. Whenever a planet is within 8 degrees of the Sun (different astrologers will use a different range of degrees, but I prefer the 8 degree orb), it can't be seen with the naked eye. The planet is being "burnt up" or "combusted" by the Sun's rays. In just a few days, Venus will move into the heart of the Sun, forming an exact conjunction (the technically term for this is "cazimi.")
As soon as Venus enters Aries, we are going to feel the heat of this transit, especially in the days leading up to the cazimi. Watch out for "Venus-y" things to be a little problematic or difficult during these days. Venus rules our social bonds, how we connect with people, how we build towards peace and harmony. As a general rule, Venus' job is to create conditions for fertility, restfulness, support and co-creation. As Venus nears the heart of the Sun, you can think of it almost like a purification process. Things that aren't working will come to the surface to be witnessed and addressed. Be gentle with yourself and others over the next 5 days — there are a lot of tender feelings at play.
Overall, I think we might feel today and the next week or so as seeing a lot of movement and change, perhaps after a period of stagnant, reclusion or needing to turn inwards. And that's all because of the Mars-Saturn trine happening on the same day. This dynamic between Venus and the Sun is playing out in Mars' home turf, Aries. That means that we can think of Mars as the "overseer" of this transit. Both the Sun and Venus are being hosted by Mars, which means that whatever Mars is doing impacts how we are going to feel the Sun and Venus dynamic.
Mars is in nearby Gemini, forming a trine to Saturn in Aquarius. For the past nine months, we have had Mars and Saturn forming squares to each other. Mars’ retrograde through Aries last fall meant that Mars squared Saturn while Saturn was in Capricorn, and then again when Mars was in Taurus and Saturn was in Aquarius. This means that March 21 is the first time we’ve had a flowing, growth-oriented dynamic between the two malefic planets in quite some time.
Trine aspects are ruled by Jupiter, and they are great aspects for helping is grow, develop and push forward towards our dreams. Mars is a planet of energy and action. Mars wants to go go go, to push and strive, and move forward to achieve its goals and ambitions. Especially in Gemini, Mars wants to move quickly and often. Saturn, of course, is much slower and steadier energy. But when it forms a trine to Mars — especially in an Air sign — Saturn is much more likely to simply give Mars the boundaries, direction and structure it needs to get shit done.
After so much stop-start friction and tense energy between Mars and Saturn, this might feel like floodgates are open and you are finally free to move. The Mars-Saturn energy is very good for moving ahead on projects that require long-term dedication and planning. You might feel motivated to put the effort into accomplishing a task you need in order to achieve your long-term goals. Just watch out for burn out or overdoing it — this can be a very stimulating energy, and Mars in Gemini isn’t especially good at focus… try to use Saturn in Aquarius to enforce limits on your productivity, so that you are only using your energy towards things that actually serve your vision. Instead of burning yourself out on doing 35083503 things that aren’t actually useful.
March 23 - Mercury in Pisces square Mars in Gemini
Mars' journey through Gemini isn't without complications, however. On March 23, we have a square between Mercury and Mars. This is a fairly common aspect, and one that we've felt a fair moment this year already, what with Mercury's retrograde prolonging its stay in Aquarius in February.
Mercury square Mars are times of sharp words, difficult conversations, and using your mind as a weapon. However, Mars is in Gemini, one of Mercury's home sign, which might lessen some of the antagonism, since there is a kind of mutual understanding between them. On the other hand, Mercury is also in Pisces, the sign of its detriment and exile, which means that Mercury is totally lost in the fog.
The days on either side of this transit might feel extra foggy, confusing, difficult or stressful. You might say the wrong thing and accidentally pick a fight. Or maybe you misunderstand an important piece of information, and it ultimately causes problems and creates chaos as a result. Considering the Sun-Venus dynamic might make social interactions for difficult, in general, do your best to stay present, calm and discerning during this time. Double-check the details, and try not to yell at anyone.
March 26 - Venus conjunct the Sun in Aries
This is the day when Venus will enter the heart of the Sun and exactly conjoin the Sun in Aries. This is a very important moment, as it represents the start of a new retrograde cycle for Venus. In December, Venus is going station retrograde in Capricorn ( conjunct Pluto), and we will be invited into a weeks long process of reviewing, revising and digging deeper into the psychology of our social bonds and our relationship to vulnerability. The fact that this retrograde cycle kicks off in Aries, a sign of independence and assertion, highlights some of the themes we’re going to unpack later in the year.
Just like how we see the New Moon (when the Moon and the Sun conjoin) as the beginning of a new lunar cycle, we can also see the Venus cazimi as the start of a new Venus cycle. As Venus moves through the "heart of the sun," she undergoes a process of purification and enlightenment. Much like the Hanged One in the tarot, through an excruciating process, she becomes enlightened. When Venus emerges after the cazimi, it can feel like coming into the light after a period of darkness. It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust, and it isn’t necessarily pleasant or uncomfortable — especially when Venus is in a Mars-ruled sign.
Watch out for the themes that are coming up around cooperation vs independence, connection vs aggressive, and the need for your to fight for what you need, to assert your needs and your boundaries in order to create more peace and beauty in your life.
March 28 - Full Moon in Libra
Ok AND THEN we have a Full Moon. (The last week of March is seriously a lot.) This moon highlights the Libra-Aries axis, an axis that is all about individual needs and the collective needs. The dreamy seed that was planted on the Pisces New Moon is coming to fruition, and it's teaching you something about how to articulate your individual needs and desires, gently and with compassion, but firmly. After the boundary-dissolving influence of Neptune on the Pisces New Moon, this Full Moon in Libra might feel like a reclamation of your agency and authority. What have you sacrificed for others, and what has it cost you?
This Full Moon can bring that energy to the surface, as the events around you becoming a mirror for your internal struggle. Pay attention to the lessons that are coming to the forefront right now. This moon is ruled by Venus, who at 8°56' of Aries, is still cazimi (in the heart of the Sun) — has recently been through one hell of the journey. The lessons from that journey are coming forward, being revealed, coming into conscious and illumination. Watch out for the major downloads or information that is revealed at this moment. Or some kind of pattern of journey reaching its climax.
The themes of this Venus-Sun cycle will be in full force at that this time. Look at where Aries and Libra are in your chart (especially 8° and 9° of Libra/Aries - do you have any major planets or points? if so, this full moon will be lighting them up!) to learn more about how this is going to show up in your life.
The rest of the lunar cycle will be about integrating those lessons and sharing what you've learned with the people around you. How will you allow yourself to be changed based on what your intuition tells you at this time?
March 29 - Mercury conjunct Neptune at 21° Pisces
We finish March off with one hell of a drug. I mean, transit. Mercury — the planet of information, exchanges, commerce, speech and logic — connects with the planet of dreams, confusion and delusion. With Mercury already in a compromised state in Pisces, this transit has the potential to take us for a ride. When I think about Mercury conjunct Neptune, a few things come to mind — one is an incredibly stoned undergrad philosophy major who just wants to talk to you about Plato. Another other is a poet such as Emily Dickinson — someone who can evoke deep, rich themes with incredible creative talent, and yet be incredibly technical and specific in how they share their art.
Mercury and Neptune can give support a rich metaphysical imagination, wisdom that comes from intuition, fluidity of emotion and an ability to express oneself in an artistic and dreamy quality. When someone is in flow, they are tapped into the creative "stream" of the universe, and can receive downloads and inspiration and buckets of new ideas. You can feel at one with the universe, in a state of unity.
This transit also has the potential to leave you vulnerable, escapist, fragility, codependency, extremely sensitive and totally confused. It's a transit where you might be influenced by other people's opinions and emotions. Watch out for escapist delusions, self-deception, and projection — either you towards other people, or other people towards you.
If you can, give yourself a lot of time and space for the days before and after this transit. Your mind might feel foggy and hazy. It might tough to focus or concentrate. The details could be tough to pin down. If you have work to do that is incredibly focused or detail oriented, I suggest trying to get it wrapped up by Friday, March 26, so you can avoid the negative consequences of this confusion and fog as much as possible.
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