Astrology of June 2021
Eclipse season continues this month, with June shaping up to be one of the most important pivot points of the year. Not only do we have a solar eclipse (new moon) in Gemini on June 10th, we also explosive and potent transits like Mars opposite Pluto, Saturn square Uranus and we are in the build up to Mars opposite Saturn, which will take place on July 1st. So yeah, it’s one hell of a month ahead!
Whenever we are looking at big astrology, it’s easy to get scared and overwhelmed. If you find reading horoscopes and forecasts just makes you more anxious — you don’t have to read them! Go at your own pace, take breaks. and let the information integrate. The purpose of monthly forecasts is to help you prepare for what is to come. They are meant to help you carve out time and space to reflect on your mood, your life experiences, and then to draw your own connections, your own conclusions about what they mean for you. You are an expert in your lived experience, and you can take what works and leave the rest.
If you’re curious about how these transits are affecting you personally, booking a birth chart reading is the best way to learn about your particular chart and how all of this coming up for you, what it all means, and when it might end.
As always, leave your comments and reflections about the month of June in the comments below. I love hearing about how the transits manifest for folks!
All dates & times in Eastern Daylight time.
June 2 - Venus enters Cancer
Venus enters the luscious, nourishing, caring and tender realm of Cancer. This is a really supportive place for Venus to be in. When Venus is in Cancer, her abilities to connect, combine and harmonize come to the fore. This a nourishing, nurturing and protective energy that highlights the importance of our most intimate relationships. Learn more about what Venus in Cancer means in the birth chart.
The part of your birth chart that contains Cancer will enjoy a lovely boost from Venus while she travels through the sign. This is the first time since 2018 that Venus has been in Cancer without the looming presence of Saturn in Capricorn, which means that this part of our life is getting a dose of sweetness and connection we haven't felt in a couple of years. Whatever house topics Cancer represents for you, Venus can make us motivated to create solid, nurturing connections (whether romantic, platonic, business or yourself!) in that part of your life.
June 3 - Sun trine Saturn, RX; Venus trine Jupiter
Venus starts their journey through Cancer with a generous, supportive boost from Jupiter in Pisces. While in Pisces, Jupiter will be giving any planet in Cancer (whether in the night sky or in your natal chart), an extra sense of protection and support. Jupiter is like a wise teacher or generous benefactor, reaching out a hand to give you a leg up.
When Venus and Jupiter form a trine, we get a lot of positive energy — sweetness, support, luck and satisfaction is in the air. Venus is connected to our relationships and how we create harmony, and Jupiter in Pisces brings abundance and expansion to these themes, especially when it comes to groups of people connected by a common cause and belief. This is definitely a day to notice your blessings: where are the right relationships, the right support, the generosity and abundance in your life? Who brings you heart warming interactions? Who helps you receive more? This day will give you insight into who and what is most supportive and nourishing for you.
With Venus and Jupiter, there might be a tendency towards excess, indulgence and rich living. Luckily, on the same day, the Sun in Gemini forms a trine to Saturn in Aquarius, which is likely to help mellow out this desire for decadent consumerism. The Sun and Saturn are thought of natural opposites — the Sun represents light, warmth and growth, whereas Saturn represents the other end of the spectrum: limits, endings, decay. However, when brought together via trine, these oppositional forces are brought together in way that is productive and helpful.
With the Sun in Gemini, our dreams and visions might feel a little scattered and all over the place, but Saturn can help us be realistic, and help to shape our abstract ideals into concrete reality. The Sun represents the vision and ideal we have for our lives, and Saturn gives us the perseverance, the discipline and most importantly, a sense of self-conscious duty that drives us forward. This is a good day to make progress on something that is deeply meaningful to you, to focus your energy and attention on your creativity, and strive for authenticity in your work.
June 5 - Mercury RX square Neptune, Mars opposite Pluto
Buckle up, kids. This is going to be a big one!
This is our second Mercury square Neptune in recent days (spoiler alert: there will be a third after Mercury stations direct!), and this one packs a punch. Neptune is deeply intertwined with Mercury's retrograde cycle through Gemini — Mercury stationed retrograde only a few degrees away from a square with Neptune, giving this Mercury retrograde a foggy, hazy quality.
When square to Neptune, we are forced to adapt our thinking, adjust our processes, in order to manage Neptune's tendency to make things diffuse. Mercury square Neptune will often confuse fact and fiction, reality and fantasy. This is not the time for clear thinking. This is a time to slow down and notice what is expressing itself in new, different, or even straight up weird ways.
Because this is the second transit, and because Mercury is retrograde, something might be revealed through the Neptunian fog that forces us to clarify, pivot or change course. Think about what happened during the first Mercury square to Neptune, back on May 22 and journal about whatever themes have come up since then, especially in your processes, logistics, how you think and how you express yourself.
But that's not all. Later today, we have an explosive transit as Mars in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn. This is a very dramatic transit, as the planet of the warrior goes head to head with the planet of death and transformation. There might be something explosive, dramatic and intense happening in the world or in current events right now. Watch for themes of power, corruption (Pluto) and fighting for the little guy (Mars in Cancer.
This transit might have felt like it was building up for some time. Mars in Cancer can often bring up conflict in our families and closest intimacies. This is the last major transit Mars will make while in Cancer, this is kind of like the crescendo of a very intense song. Our conflicts and tensions might peak, explode, but ultimately transform and begin to heal — much like after a volcano eruptions, there can be rich and nourishing soil.
As always, don’t panic when you see difficult forecasts on the horizon.
These themes will continue with the solar eclipse on June 10th, so don't forget to come back in a couple of weeks to journal about this period of early June, and what topics come up for you.
June 10 - Solar eclipse (New Moon) in Gemini at 19°
Solar eclipses are extra powerful new moons. The seeds you are planting on this new moon is about more than just the next 28 days. The themes you are working through right now have likely been brewing since the nodes first entered Gemini and Sag in May 2020, and they are likely to continue to play out over the next 6 months.
This solar eclipse is unique because Mercury is currently is currently retrograde at 20° Gemini (right next to the New Moon!). Mercury conjunct the Sun is an important part of the retrograde cycle — it's the mid-point, and the moment when we usually have some sort of realization, turn-around, pivot. Mercury moves through the heart of the Sun, and receives some sort of gift, a moment of enlightenment.
However, the realization might not become apparent for a couple more weeks. The ruler of this new moon, Mercury, is still engaged in a square to Neptune. This lends a heavy sense of overwhelm and confusion in the energy. We have ideas, a sense of where we want to go... but the next steps aren't clear. It's not quite the time to move forward. It will likely take a few more weeks (or even months, eclipses work on months-long time scales) for you to have a clear sense of what this eclipse has started in your life.
As always, look at the topics of the whole sign house of Gemini to learn more about the specific themes and topics this is activating for you. Or book a birth chart reading! If you are a mutable rising, this eclipse cycle is VERY important for you, and a birth chart reading is the best way to get personalized information based on your chart.
Similar to the lunar eclipse, I recommend against doing any action-oriented manifestation magic during a solar eclipse — eclipse energies are, by their nature, unpredictable and uncontrollable. It's important to be humble before forces we don't understand and use eclipses as an opportunity to reflect and receive information, without feeling the need to harness and control it. How can you practice simply being present, noticing and NOT trying to control or do?
June 11 - Mars enters Leo
Mars entering Leo is a bit of a mixed bag this year. On the one hand, it's nice that Mars is out of Cancer, a sign where it struggles to assert itself. Usually, Mars in Leo is a lovely transit. Mars is a hot and dry sign, which means it does will in fire signs. Mars in Leo regains a sense of confidence and leadership after having their knives dulled while in the sign of Cancer.
This year, however, Mars in Leo causes some major tension with Saturn, who is currently in Aquarius, the sign opposite of Leo. The two planets will come face to face on July 1st (ET), but the tension between them starts building now, and will be palpable by the last week of June. When Mars and Saturn face off, we get themes of frustration, limits, thwarted will. Mars likes to move forward with gusto, but Saturn says "Have you done all the paperwork? Did you double-check you have everything you need?" Progress feels blocked, or there is additional pressure from external sources.
It doesn't help that we are days away from the exact square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Saturn square Uranus is one of the long-term, macro-level transits of 2021. That means it's much more likely to indicate events in the collective, rather than in our personal lives — unless you have a natal planet or point at 13° of Taurus, Leo, Aquarius or Scorpio, in which case this transit is likely to hit your chart in a big way.
And whenever Mars enters a fixed sign this year, it means that it is activating the tension between the two planets. Kind of like a spark going off in a room full of dynamite. Last January, Mars entering Taurus coincided with the insurrection on Capitol Hill. It's possible we might see similar tensions bubbling up in events around the world around this time. This isn't to predict doom, gloom and destruction, but it's still important to keep an eye out and make sure we are properly resourced around this date, just in case.
June 13 - Sun square Neptune
What do you really, really want? This is the third time a planet has squared Neptune this month, so by now we're a little more familiar with the way Neptune softens our gaze and focus. Neptune makes things fuzzy around the edges, and when it comes into contact with our sun, it's softening the edges of our personality and the vision we have for our lives.
This can open us up to new ideas, drive us towards spiritual self-discovery and our higher purpose, access visions for our future that we otherwise wouldn't have dared express. But we might feel a little more depleted and tired than usual, as Neptune waters down our vital force. We might lean towards escapism, getting lost in unachievable fantasies and then despairing that we will never attain them. This is a very good day to rest and catch your breath after the solar eclipse. If you can, schedule a day off to rest or get creative. It could be a good time to curl up with a good book, watch a movie or make some art.
June 14 - Uranus square Saturn RX
The last major transit of Gemini season is another biggie. This is one of the most dramatic and important transits of the year. Saturn has recently stationed retrograde and is moving very slowly. So slowly, in fact, that Uranus is actually going faster than Saturn, which is pretty rare. That's why Uranus is the plant technically "making" the aspect, since it's moving faster.
Uranus is the planet of liberation, rebellion, revolution, and change. It's the energy of finally not being able to take it anymore, and then making a change. Saturn is associated with structure, discipline, boundaries and authority. Saturn is an organizing, restricting principle. As the last of the visible planets, Saturn is associated with the limits of the universe. Saturn says, "No." Uranus says, "But I I want it now."
When the two planets come together, it destabilizes foundations — both collectively and in our personal lives. Saturn represents order and structure that comes from repetition, expectation, habit. It's the structures that order our society that we take for granted. And because the world is a fundamentally unequal and racist place, the very structures of our societies are unequal and racist. All systems, hierarchies and structures are being questioned right now, from health care to financial systems to education.
In our personal lives, the house topics of Taurus and Aquarius will give you more insight into where you might seek liberation in your own life. Where are you struggling against unnecessary expectations? Where are you acting out of habit instead of authenticity?
Jot down what's coming and take notes so you can review them in the future, once things have calmed down a bit. The third and final exact square will occur on December 24, 2021, which means you might not find completion in the cycle until the end of the year.
Taking care of ourselves should be the priority right now, especially on the heels of the solar eclipse in gemini. What are some of your go-to strategies for self-care during times of change and processes of upheaval? This is a time to use all the tools at your disposal and to lean in to your spiritual practice.
June 20 - Jupiter stations retrograde; Sun enters Cancer
Jupiter stations retrograde the same day the Sun enters Cancer, marking the start of another season, another turn on the wheel of the year. In the Northern hemisphere, the Sun in Cancer marks the summer solstice — the moment when the Sun's light as at its brightest. The sign of Cancer is more complicated that we often discuss in pop astrology. The very start of Cancer season is maximum light — which means that every day of Cancer, we are actually losing the light. Cancer, as a sign, is actually much more to do with loss and grief and nostalgia than folks give it credit for. There’s a reason why “summertime sadness” is a whole mood. Watch out for increased emphasis on your deepest yearnings and notice where those longings are leading you. .
Jupiter has some unfinished business to do in Aquarius because they can fully commit to Pisces. Jupiter stations retrograde at 2° of Pisces, bringing a lot of focus and attention to that 2° point. If you have a planet or point at 2° of a mutable sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces), or a water sign (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio), you'll be getting an extra long visit from Jupiter — watch out for how Jupiter is expanding or bringing more to that part of your life. And remember that “more” doesn’t necessarily mean “more riches” or “more wealth”. It just means MORE. So watch out for overdoing it, feeling overwhelmed or overloaded during this time. For most of us, however, we won’t feel this transit toooo intensely.
Happy birthday, Cancer friends!
Curious about what the year has in store for you? Book a Year Ahead Birthday Reading to celebrate your solar return! During this reading, you'll learn which planet "rules" this year of your life and learn what themes and topics you will explore. Plus, you’ll receive a detailed overview of all the major transits coming up for you and how they might manifest in your life.
You’ll leave this reading armed with practical information that can help guide your decisions for the rest of the year! Learn more.
June 21 - Venus trine Neptune
Venus in Cancer forms a trine to Neptune in Pisces at 23°. This a dreamy, creative and artistic transit, one that makes us extremely sensitive and connected to others. There could be an impulse to bring spirituality or artistic dreaminess into your friendships, collaborations and relationships. This is a time to get lost in the woods, paint some abstract art, flirt with your friends, and get dressed up to stay home.
There's a warning here about overly romanticizing others, vulnerability and codependence. Whenever we are leaning towards escapism, there should be a note of caution. Intentionally escaping and setting yourself up with healthy practices that feel nourishing and creating is the best way to use this energy. If you aren't proactive and intention, though, you could find yourself falling back on bad habits, scratching those itches of isolation and self-destruction. There can be a strong call to lose ourselves in relationships, to be absorbed in the collective under this transit. So long as you are able to maintain your authentic, inner self, and let that guide you, you shouldn't be lead (too far) astray.
Mercury stations direct tomorrow, which means there's a strong possibility you aren't getting all the information or new information might be revealed that changes dynamics significantly. Don't do anything you can't take back today.
June 22 - Mercury stations direct at 16° of Gemini
The sense of confusion, disorientation and lack of clarity comes to a peak as Mercury comes to a halt in the sky, and then starts to move forward again. The days before and after a retrograde station can be really tricky, from a "retrograde symptom" perspective. Missed calls, hazy thoughts, difficult communication are all hallmarks of a Mercury retrograde station.
Soon, the energy will clear and clarity will return again. The best way to handle a Mercury retrograde station is to create the time and space in your schedule to deal with any delays or mistakes. Adjust your expectations, go slowly, be patient. You'll feel better within a few days.
June 23 - Sun trine Jupiter RX; Venus opposite Pluto RX
A few days into its journey in Cancer, the Sun forms a trine to Jupiter in Pisces. This is a lovely interaction. Jupiter was said to be on the Sun's "team", as it were, so any trine from Jupiter gives the Sun extra strength and prowess.
The Sun trine Jupiter can bring forward a zest for life, a desire for enlightening and enriching experiences, and generally an overall sense of generosity and goodwill. However, happening water signs, this aspect also brings forwards our emotions quite a bit. We might feel extremely emotional during this time, an inclined towards being overly dramatic.
The general positivity of Sun trine Jupiter is tinged by the much more challenging aspect of Venus opposite Pluto. Venus opposite Pluto brings forward themes of deep, intense passion, renewal of relationships from our innermost selves. There is an obsessive, jealous quality to this transit — Pluto can exaggerate our fears, shames and insecurities, and Venus is all about our social dynamics and relationships. Love, power, romantic obsessions, desire for control, harmful temptations, possessiveness, catharsis, transcendence... all of this energy is whirling around right now, and the Sun trining Jupiter makes it all feel bigger.
You'll feel this mostly on the 23rd, but it will starting building as soon as the Sun enters Cancer, and will be present for a day or two after. Remember that this too shall pass — you can use all the self-care tools you gathered during the eclipse to guide you through this moment as well.
June 24 - Full Moon in Capricorn
Happening at 3° of Capricorn, this Full Moon is ruled by Saturn, who is still moving very slowly retrograde in Aquarius. Saturn invites us into wisdom, maturity and restraint. It's growth and development through hard work and discipline.
Themes and responsibility and duty might be highlighted for you, especially as they pertain the the whole sign house topics of Capricorn in your chart. Where are your obligations and duties slowing you down, where are they no longer fitting? And, on the other hand, where are your responsibilities giving you a sense of safety and support? Responsibly paying your mortgage has great benefits. Taking on responsibility for ALL the household labour (cooking, cleaning, etc) while your partner does nothing is not a great use of duty and responsibility. All of those themes are being illuminated around this time. What messages are you receiving about duty, obligation and that you can release during the waning cycle?
June 25 - Neptune stations retrograde at 23° Pisces
From a collective standpoint, Neptune stationing retrograde isn't too impactful. It will retrograde only a couple of degrees, and as an outer planet, it doesn't have too much implication our daily lives.
Unless, of course, you have an important planet or point at 21°-23° of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces). If that's the case, Neptune will be spending a lot of time near that planet, activating whatever themes that planet means for you.
June 27 - Venus enters Leo
Venus ends the month by entering the fixed fire sign of Leo. Venus in Leo is a confident Venus, one that is ready to take charge, and be a leader. Venus in Leo tends to be warm, friendly, and radiate love and generosity.
However, this year, Venus' trip through Leo is a bumpy ride. Because as she moves through the SUn's home sign, Venus will form an opposition to Saturn, square to Uranus and meet up with Mars later in July. All of this is going to bring some dynamic shake-ups to our relationships, especially those interpersonal dynamics that have been fixed, steady and foundational. Change isn't always a bad thing, of course — sometimes we need a jolt to the system in order to break free of habits that were no longer supporting us. The key will be to support yourself and our vitality through these transitions, and to notice which relationships continue to be supportive and healthy, even while you also notice how they can be adjusted and tweaked for mutual benefit.
Aaaaand we made it til the end! But heads up — Mars will oppose Saturn on July 1st, so in the final days of June, we might be feeling a little more tense and agitated than normal.
As always, please share how this month went for you! It’s really helpful to hear which descriptions were accurate and how your experiences resonated with the astrology.
Want more insight and support during the month ahead?
Book a natal chart reading to learn how to work with your energy, instead of against it.