Saturn square Uranus | Break down to break through
Saturn square Uranus is one of the major transits of 2021 — and on Monday, June 14th at 6:01 PM (ET), this square goes exact. This is the second of three exact hits — the first was on February 17th, and the third will be on December 24th. However, the underlying energy is with us all year and is one of the major influences on the collective vibe.
This is a tense, conflict-filled dynamic between the planet responsible for law and order and the planet that brings revolution and change. But June's transit is even spicier than normal because of the presence of Mars in Leo.
By early July, Mars will opposite Saturn (on July 1st) and square Uranus (on July 3rd), reigniting the themes of the Saturn-Uranus square. Mars adds an extra intensity, a sense of urgency, that can make us feel very impatient. Between now and early July, we might be feeling extremely restless and feel a desire to push, push, push. Be cautious about overdoing it or taking on too many things. As much as possible, create space in your life for downtime and rest, especially in late June/early July.
There is a LOT going on right now and it can be really tough to figure out exactly what we’re supposed to do with all of these changes. That’s why I created a tarot spread to help you out — keep scrolling to find it! But first, to understand this transit, and how it might impact your life and the lives of people around you, let's start with a review of the basic archetypes.
Saturn: planet of structure, order, and maturity
Saturn held a very important position in Hellenistic astrology. As the slowest moving of the seven visible planets, Saturn stood on the threshold between the realm of the planets and the fixed stars above. Saturn was thus a deeply mystical and spiritual planet — a gateway between humanity and the divine.
But Saturn also represented the inevitability of death and the ceaseless march of time. As an excessively cold and dry planet, Saturn was considered to be a malefic force in the universe. It is associated with the things people typically don't like to think about: death, aging, illness, and pain. But Saturn also represents the sage mystic and the wise teacher — by undergoing Saturnian experiences, we become stronger. And when we share that wisdom with others, we create a legacy of information that can help others avoid our mistakes.
That's how we get the associations between Saturn and things like governments, institutions, authority, establishment. Saturn governs systems that are structured, organized, and disciplined. It rules the historical precedents that become the pillars of our societies, that are so deeply engrained, to question them would be to question the entire civilization itself.
But Saturn also represents how we organize our inner lives: the habits we fall back on unconsciously; the beliefs that are so deeply ingrained in our system, we don't even notice them. Saturn in our birth charts can tell us about where we find security and how we create stability in our lives.
Generally speaking, Saturn's mission is to consolidate. It wants to say "no," to pair down, to cut away everything that isn't working — so that it can help us focus and grow a single important thing. Saturn wants us to be disciplined and focused so that we can dedicate ourselves to something important. Saturn very much wants us to say "no" to fun so that we can get down to serious work.
Uranus: planet of revolution, freedom, and change
Uranus is one of the "modern" planets — it was discovered in 1781, as part of an era of scientific discovery and observation, and is only visible thanks to the early modern invention, the telescope. Unlike the seven traditional planets, the modern planets are much less personal and impactful on our day-to-day lives. It moves very slowly and tend to be more associated with collective and societal changes (unless, of course, your birth chart is being activated by an outer planet by transit!).
Uranus is, ummm... a VERY different vibe than Saturn.
Saturn says: "This is the way things work around here." Uranus says: "What if we did things differently?"
Saturn says: "No." Uranus says, "Why the fuck not?"
Saturn says, "Slow down and do it right." Uranus says, "Hold my beer."
Uranus is deeply idealistic and visionary. Uranus wants us to break free from the structures and systems that rule our lives. It wants us to break down the systems. And most importantly, Uranus is willing to fucking do it. Uranus is a planet of action, movement, and change. Uranus is not content just to dream about changes to the system — Uranus represents the feeling of frustration that pushes us to the brink, that flares up and says "enough is enough." Unrest, protest, and uprising are all hallmarks of major Uranus transits.
Authenticity, freedom, and liberty are essential to Uranus' will. We're breaking chains, we're breaking limits, we're breaking down structures that aren't working for us anymore. Whenever Uranus makes a major aspect, it brings in a radical reshaping of the systems and structures that are deeply entrenched — both in our personal lives and in society at large. Uranus invites us to question where we have been complacent and apathetic — and sends a jolt to the system to help wake us up.
Saturn square Uranus: tension, conflict, and change, oh my
In astrology, the term "aspect" refers to the relationship between two different planets. Aspects tell us about the tone/style/quality of the experience. There are many different types of aspects: sextiles and trines tend to be softer, more supportive, and pleasant, while squares and oppositions are more challenging.
Squares tend to bring up energies of conflict and tension. Both planets are trying to exert their will over the other, and neither is taking no for an answer. Squares can be incredibly productive and dynamic transits, too — if you need a quick in the butt or some kind of creative tension to get you moving, squares will do the job.
But when they form between two slow-moving planets like Saturn and Uranus, squares have the potential to be chaotic and explosive. The overall energy of this transit is dramatic — there's a sense of bursting, breakthrough, pushing, stirring, agitation and destabilization. There's frustration with the system and impatience about how long it's taking to change.
There's a disruptive, tense, explosive undercurrent — as if at any moment, there might be an outburst, something that rumbles and awakens.
What to expect during this transit
Uranus challenges Saturn's rules and established order. Uranus holds Saturn to different standards — whatever Saturn has been doing, it is NOT good enough and it needs to change NOW. There is a thirst to radically question and reshape our policies and structures. There is a call to innovate on these old structures, to revise them or abolish them, as necessary. To let go of tradition and embrace innovation.
These changes can be liberating and helpful — we might find ourselves able to leave a situation that is bad for us, or to cut out a toxic habit from our life. Maybe it gives us the courage to tell our crush we like them and it works out great. It's going to depend on your particular circumstances and situation.
Calls for social change, justice, and liberty
One of the biggest themes we've seen with the Saturn and Uranus square at the collective level is the call for overhauling systems and structures that are oppressive and need to be revitalized. If nothing else, Covid has brought to fore how many systems — health care and medical, political, financial, educational, settler-colonial — need to be questioned, reviewed, and overhauled.
There are many examples of how these calls for reform and overhaul are being expressed across the world — from the summer of protests after the murder of George Floyd and subsequent pushes to abolish the police to farmers protests in India to the anti-logging blockades in Fairy Creek on Vancouver Island, BC. And last January, when Mars entered Taurus, the insurrection at the Capitol in DC gives us an example of what happens when Mars adds his sparks to the Saturn-Uranus powder keg.
Changes to your everyday life, routines, and habits
This desire for change also expresses itself in our personal lives. Uranus is pushing Saturn to upgrade, innovate or refresh habits and structures. The things we've been doing for years — our routines, our habits, hell, even our relationships — suddenly aren't doing it for us anymore. Things that have looked safe and stable in the past, suddenly start to feel suffocating and oppressive.
There's a way in which you're being invited to challenge and questions those structures — do you still need them? Can they be improved? What happens if you try something different?
When Saturn and Uranus interact, whatever is normal for you, suddenly becomes different. If you are someone who is usually very introverted and reclusive, you might suddenly get the urge to socialize. If you're someone who likes control and organization, you might suddenly rebel and get messy.
This can show up in our lives in a couple of different ways. Maybe you are the one who is changing. Something shifts inside of you and suddenly the habits you've turned to in the past just don't feel helpful. You're bored of your routine. The pillars of your life, the things you've (un)consciously relied upon feels wrong. You're restless and antsy and you want something to change.
Another way this can appear is external to us. Something happens to you or around you that changes the foundations and pillars of your life. Maybe a pipe bursts in your house and you need to move in with your in-laws while your floors get repaired. Maybe your partner decides they want to change careers so you'll have to support the household for a bit.
However this appears for you, Saturn-Uranus energy has this feeling of fundamental change — the things we used to rely on aren't there anymore. The ground is shifting beneath our feet. Sometimes this can feel good and exciting and necessary. But other times it can be extremely anxiety-inducing. If you're feeling totally overwhelmed and confused right now, you are NOT the problem! These are very large shifts, and it's normal to feel Not Chill about it.
Breaking down to breakthrough
One of the recurring themes of the Saturn square Uranus transit is this idea of "breaking down to breakthrough." Saturn doesn't like change. It's slow. It likes things to be solid, ordered. It doesn't like to rush.
And because Saturn is so solid and stubborn, small, subtle changes just won't cut it. The ENTIRE thing needs an overhaul. And that requires a lot of courage to go all in — whether it's leaving a relationship, quitting your job, starting a new habit... at a certain point, we need to take action to change our lives. And Uranus can give us that energy and momentum to do make it happen.
It's worth reflecting on how much space there is in your life for you to make changes and be flexible. If you have a life that is very limited and restricted (a lot of responsibilities, obligations, caring for other people), it might be really difficult for you to find pockets of change that aren't super disruptive to your entire system. There are MANY good reasons why people can't be flexible — we have to go to work, we have to care for our children and our parents, we have bills to pay. But it's worth thinking about what responsibilities you've said yes to, what obligations are in your life, that you DON'T need to accept. Where have you assumed responsibility without question? Why can't your spouse drive the kids to school so you can focus on work? Why are you always the one organizing birthday parties for your friends?
Uranus is asking you to question all of those assumptions, all of those defaults.
Freedom & authenticity
But for us to truly make changes in our lives that are helpful and supportive, we need to get honest with ourselves about what we want. And that requires radical honesty with ourselves about what we truly want.
When you're used to hiding your true desires so that you can be safe and accepted, being honest and authentic is fucking scary. Everybody is on their journey with this — we all have stories of being shut down and criticized for expressing your true self.
Uranus can help us push through those blocks and fears that keep us small. Uranus gives us the courage to DO THE THING. Uranus wants us to make decisions from a soul-centered place — to trust our gut, to prioritize our needs, and to believe that we can make decisions that are good for us.
Uranus wants us to decide for ourselves.
This can be a time where we might feel restricted and limited and we just can't take it anymore. Even though it will require changing everything, we can't help ourselves. This is the time to step forward in your authority and self-knowledge.
Saturn square Uranus in your life
How this transit will affect you personally depends greatly on your particular birth chart. The houses in your chart that contain Taurus and Aquarius will give you more information about the areas of life and topics that are being triggered for you by this transit. If you have any planets or points between 7° and 14° of fixed signs (Taurus, Aquarius, Leo, and Scorpio), this transit will likely be a very important part of your story this year.
Where are you being invited to reform and restructure different parts of your life? Maybe this is showing up in your home, or your relationship with your parents, or in your workplace. Whatever is going on, you are likely to be undergoing DEEP, foundation changes.
So, how do we work with these energies?
In the words of Kelly Surtees, "When everything changes, change everything." There is a sense of possibility right now. The Saturn-Uranus square is a portal — when so many things are in flux, we have a remarkable ability to create entirely new worlds, identities, and lives for ourselves. What is the vision you have for your life — and how can you use these sudden changes to help you get there?
We can't fight the change that is meant for us. All we can do is support ourselves through the transition as best as possible. We know to expect tension, drama, fear, and surprises, which means we can be more intentional about shoring up our resources and ensuring we have what we need. If you know you get overstimulated and anxious when you listen to the news, maybe story your day with a morning meditation instead of Up First. If you know talking to a friend would make you feel better, try just sending ONE text to tell someone you're thinking of them.
The important thing is simple to notice where you are feeling restless and start to dig into why that might be. What things feel restrictive that used to be comfortable? What feels boring that used to be exciting? You don't need to make changes all at once, but it's worth making some notes or doing some journaling around what themes are coming up right now — you'll have another chance to revisit them in December when we have the third and final square.
There is nothing wrong with taking extra time and space to slow down and tend to yourself. Give yourself what you need to make yourself feel better. This is an extremely stimulating time — if you want to hide under the covers this week, I don't blame you!
Take it slow and be gentle with yourself. There's no need to rush this transition — your journey with this transit will unfold at exactly the right pace for you.
Tarot spread for Saturn square Uranus
When we have really big, macro-level transits, sometimes it’s hard to figure out exactly what to do and how to take care of ourselves. That’s where tarot can help. Tarot can help us reflect on and integrate the lessons this transit has for us.
A tarot spread for the Saturn square Uranus (June 2021). Written & designed by Davis Carr.
The foundations of your life that are being changed
The changes that are happening internally
The changes that are happening externally
Advice for supporting yourself through these changes
What your stepping into / the outcome of these changes
Don’t forget to tag me in your photos on social media — @meridiantarot.
How are you holding up? The energy is a LOT, right?! Let us know in the comments when is coming up for you and how you’re managing to stay calm and centred in the midst of this chaos.
If you are feeling scared or anxious about this transit, book a birth chart reading — together, we’ll dive into your chart so you can exactly what to expect from this transit and how to best work with the energy.