Anxiety support for a pandemic // a tarot reading
/Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Give yourself the gift of taking a break from scrolling for a second and checking in with your nervous system. How is your breathing? Where your clenching? Close your eyes and tune into your body. When you are feeling calm and centered ask: what card is showing up to support my nervous system during this time. When you're ready, open your eyes and pick the card that most calling to you.
Red Jasper // Page of Wands
This is the time to work on grounding your creative energy and your spirit. It's easy to let ourselves get whipped up into a frenzy, to allow the chaos of this time to take us off course. If you have plans, try to stick to them as much as possible. Take a deep breath. Allow yourself to adapt to the circumstances, but you don't need to change everything all at once in a panic. You can still tap into your creative potential right now. In fact, these new constraints might inspire you to play a bit more or force you to get creative. The trick is to not to be reactive. Take your time. Don't rush into any decisions. The Page of Wands reminds us to check into our bodies to make sure we aren't pushing our limits or burning ourselves out. Your body has got your back - you just need to listen.
Aventurine // 9 of Wands
Take this as a gentle mindfulness bell or nudge to look at your energetic & creative output and whether or not you need to rein it in a little. The 9 of Wands is a warning that you are approaching burnout and overwhelm. Where are you just go go going? If you are feeling run down or stressed out, this is a good time to see where you let stuff go. What can be postponed, what can put on the backburner. Where are the plans where you are the only person tying yourself to a certain quality or level of excellence. Remember that you don't need to give 100%. Your 75% is just fine.
Rose Quartz // The Seeker, RX
You are entering a liminal space during this time, sweet Seeker. It's a time of self-discovery. It's a time of walking your own path. It's a time of enlightenment and seeing things from a macro-level. This card reminds me of the Hermit, but like, if the Hermit took mushrooms. This is some really potent energy, and you are probably swimming in it right now. Allow yourself to transform. Allow yourself to grow and be changed. When you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, remember that you are in a process of becoming, and it's not a problem that you don't know where you're going. It simply isn't an issue! It's ok to not know where you're going (nobody truly does)