What happens during a tarot reading?

Getting a tarot reading can seem like an opaque or secretive process. Every reader does things a little bit differently and has a unique approach. In this blog post, I will give you an overview of what happens during a tarot reading, so you can feel more confident about knowing what you're getting yourself into.

First, let's talk about what a tarot reading isn't.

A tarot reading with Meridian Tarot isn't going to predict your future or tell your fortune. I am not a psychic or a medium — I don't get visions of the future or messages from deceased loved ones. Tarot reading isn't about telling you anything.

It's simply a conversation — a sacred space to pause, reflect and discuss the meaning of the card so that you can decide what you want to do. A tarot reading is a dialogue — my role is to describe the cards; your role is to connect those meanings to your personal experiences. Through this exchange, we interpret what the cards mean for you.

Above all else, a tarot reading is an opportunity for self-reflection. It's a place where you get dedicated time to pause, think and reflect on your life. It isn't about me telling you things you don't know or telling you what to do. It's about you having the opportunity to turn inwards and decide for yourself. I'm just a space holder and facilitator.

Ok so, what exactly happens during a reading?

The session itself is straightforward. When the time comes, all you need to do is click the link in your email reminder to launch Zoom. If you're nervous about the appointment, I put together some tips for preparing for a tarot reading.

After you've logged on and we've said hello, I'll begin by giving you a rundown of what to expect from the session. I'll also remind you that the reading will be recorded, so you don't have to worry about taking notes — you can just be present and sit with whatever comes up. (Of course, if you don't want the meeting to be recorded, I will turn off that feature!) This is your chance to ask any questions you have about tarot and the process.

Once we have the logistics sorted, you'll have the opportunity to share whatever is on your heart — this your chance to share what you are moving through, give any context you feel is necessary, and ask your question. You don't need a specific question to get a tarot reading — just having some kind of theme or topic **you wish to explore is just fine. While you chat, I'll probably start to pick up the cards and start shuffling.

After you've shared, I'll invite you to close your eyes and take deep, steadying breaths. This is your chance to get settled and comfortable. I will take a moment to sit in silence — during this time, I will be doing my practices to drop in and connect to my intuition. I will say my prayers and the cards to deliver only messages that are in your soul's highest and best interest. I will invoke the spirits I work with to help me be a clear channel for whatever messages are meant to be delivered.

Once we are both settled and the magic is humming, I will pull the cards. (The exact number of cards and spread used will depend on the reading you have purchased.) After I have turned them over, I'll take a few moments to pause and centre before beginning the reading.

I usually structure my readings by going through each card, one by one. I pick up the card, explain what position it's in, and then describe what the card means. I'll make sure to show each card I pull, so you get a sense of the imagery. We start with the first card and work our way around the spread. After I describe the card, you have an opportunity to respond, reflect, and share what is coming up for you.

From there, the reading starts to flow. The messages smoothly move from one card to another, and what begins as a disparate collection of images turns into a cohesive narrative, each card adding a new layer and depth. This is where the magic happens — in the space where you start to connect the meaning of the card to your own life experiences. My job is to describe cards and offer you an outside perspective on their meaning. You're the one who makes the meaning come to life, by interpreting it through your lens.

Once we have gone through each card in the deck, the reading will come to a close. Towards the end of our time together, you'll have the opportunity to ask any final questions before we say goodbye.

What happens after the session?

But the magic doesn't stop once you log off Zoom. The real integration happens after the session finishes. I am putting together an entire guide for how to work with your reading after you receive the recording, so stay tuned. But in the meantime, here is a quick overview.

Immediately after the reading finishes, jot down your major impressions and anything that jumped out to you. It's also useful to track what felt important at the moment.

Within 48 hours of your session, you'll receive an email that includes a link where you can download a video recording of your reading, along with a photo of the spread and an overview of each position. Download the files right away, before you forget, and save them somewhere safe.

Then, let it sit for at least three or five days — even a week or two is fine! Let yourself ruminate and reflect on the reading, but don't sit down to rewatch until you've had a nice chunk of time in between.

After a week or so, carve out some dedicated time to re-watch the reading. This will likely take you a couple of hours, so you can always pause and return to it later. This is your chance to go deep into the reading and reflect on the messages that came up.

Use your creativity and make it fun — I love to bullet journal, so I use lots of highlighters, pens, washi tape, etc. But you can use stickers, pencil crayons... heck, you can even collage or paint! The important thing is that you are engaging with the messages of the reading, and archiving in a place where you can return to them.

Leave some room in your journal/notebook/paper for future reflections. As the weeks, months, — hell, eventually, years — pass, you can keep returning to the reading, seeing how the themes played out and adding observations. Sometimes, we can receive the message from a reading just by flipping through the journal and seeing a phrase pop up. This is how to deepen your practice, connect to your intuition, and develop your knowledge of the cards — by slowly, carefully, and intentionally committing our time and our energy to self-reflection.

I hope this blog post was helpful for you! My goal is to demystify the process so that more folks feel comfortable accessing these services. You don’t need to be witchy or a hippie to get value from this work. All you need is to be a person with an open mind and a question on your heart.

Intrigued? Learn more about my services and book a reading today.