Eclipse Season 2022 | Guide & Tarot Spread

Eclipse Season is one of the most important moments, magically and astrologically, of the year. In the ancient world, eclipses were treated as omens of misfortune. During eclipses, the Moon turns red and the Sun gets blocked out. The light that is usually stable and reliable suddenly become untrustworthy.

Eclipses indicate major endings and major beginnings in our lives. They are like super-powered New and Full Moons, whose effects last for the next six months, rather than 28 days. You won’t experience the full meaning of eclipses overnight. Instead, their effects are felt in waves, over time.

Eclipses of 2022 - key dates

How will these eclipses affect you?

Your Rising Sign will determine what part of your birth chart is being activated by these eclipses.

  • Taurus & Scorpio rising — self, personality, relationships

  • Gemini & Sagittarius rising — work, labour, rest, health

  • Cancer & Capricorn rising — love, friendships, creativity, community, alliances

  • Leo & Aquarius rising — work, home, career, family

  • Virgo & Pisces rising — education, learning, travel

  • Libra & Aries rising — money, resources, income, finances


💡 Check your chart

Do you have any personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) or points (Ascendant, Descendant, MC, IC) around 2° of Scorpio or 16° Taurus? If so, these eclipses will likely be extra important in your life story.

Tarot spread for eclipse season. The spread uses 5 cards. Card number 1 is in the center. Card 2 is to the right. Card 3 is to the left. Card 4 is below. Card 5 is above.

Tarot spread for eclipse season

  1. The overall lesson of eclipse season for you

  2. Major endings — what you are being invited to release and shed

  3. Major beginnings — what will grow and develop over the next six months

  4. The unconscious that will become conscious during eclipse season

  5. A message from your higher self