Jupiter in Pisces — imagination, creativity and wonder

One of the most important transits of 2022 is Jupiter’s journey through Pisces.

Jupiter in Pisces feels a bit like a sigh of relief. This is one of Jupiter’s home signs, which means that Jupiter has access to its full capabilities. It’s the difference between staying at a friend’s house and relying on them to host you vs being at home in your own space. When you’re at home, you can relax and be self-sufficient in a way you just can’t when you’re out in the world. It’s kind of like spending a really long time out in the cold, shovelling snow or doing some other unpleasant but necessary task, only to come in, take a hot bath with candles and get lost in a good book. The trick is to not let yourself totally withdraw into the fantasy.

Jupiter: teacher, healer, dreamer, king

In ancient astrology, Jupiter was considered to be one of the most positive and supportive planets. To the naked eye, Jupiter appears as a bright star, twinkling warmly and kindly. It came to represent life-giving properties and was historically associated with the concept of fertility, growth and expansion.

Jupiter is also associated with spirituality, beliefs, our sense of right and wrong, and the feeling of awe and wonder. Jupiter governs our capacity to understand the big picture and our role in the larger cosmos. It’s connected with faith and belief, and those values around which we organize our life. Jupiter represents our ability to connect to the divine and the feeling of unity and cohesion that we can experience when we find a system that helps us orient our worldview. Thus, Jupiter is deeply connected to spirituality, faith and religion, although it doesn’t necessarily mean formal religion. At its most elemental level, Jupiter represents our capacity for belief and wonder.

In modern times, Jupiter is also associated with the idea of growth and expansion: our impulse to grow, our desire to expand our reach, and our need for more. Jupiter can lead us to success and accomplishment, as it’s the motivating force that drives us forward. Jupiter is a planet of confidence and enthusiasm — it can inspire us to search for adventure or try to find greater meaning and purpose.

But Jupiter can also promote risk-taking, arrogance and recklessness. Jupiter wants to say “yes” to everything and anything, which can often lead to burnout and exhaustion if we aren’t careful. With Jupiter, moderation is key.

Planet of kings, scholars and geopolitics

Of the seven traditional (visible) planets, Jupiter is one of the slowest moving. It moves about one zodiac sign per year, although due to its retrograde cycle, it will often dip into one sign for a little bit and then move back into the previous sign. Because it’s one of the slower-moving planets, Jupiter is associated with collective energy and has far-reaching implications. It is connected to major geo-political developments and events that have long-term, ongoing impacts. It was also connected with the institutions of the state, such as the legal system and government bureaucracies.

Because of this connection to society as a whole, we can often look at Jupiter to see how “well” things are going on a global scale. And for the past two years, Jupiter has been co-present with Saturn in the Saturn-ruled signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. Thus, Jupiter’s ability to bring expansion, hope and wonder has been curtailed by restrictive and cold Saturn. We’ve certainly seen this with the rise of COVID-19 and the need for restrictions on the number of people we can see, limits on gathering sizes, etc.

But now Jupiter’s time in Aquarius is over, and we have a new cycle starting with Jupiter in Pisces. This means that Jupiter is bringing its power of expansion and growth to a new part of our birth charts, and thus, will start to affect new areas of our lives.

From air to water, thoughts to feelings

Aquarius and Pisces have very different vibes. Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign, and Air was considered to be a very active element — it moves around a lot, as represented by the “mental chatter” of our minds. Aquarius is concerned with mapping out long-term goals and constructing road maps for the future. It cares about the long-term stability and structures of our ideas.

Pisces, on the other hand, is much more fluid and imaginative sign. It’s mutable water, coming at the end of winter and before the spring. Pisces contains within it the hope of spring, despite the darkness. It moves us from the cold reality of winter and into the return of the light and the brilliance of the sun.

Water is an element associated with connection, togetherness and interdependence. Water will fill up whatever container it’s held in — a bowl, a mug, a lake... it adapts and conforms to its surroundings, making it much more passive energy than Air.

Water connects — it bonds. Think of the way a paper towel soaks up the spill on your floor: water absorbs whatever it can, losing itself with the object. Thus, water is associated with emotional connections and relationships: the way that humans become influence one another emotionally and become absorbed in each other’s lives.

Slowing down and turning within

Watch out for themes around grief, healing, and emotional connection in 2022. It’s been a very tough few years, and there is a lot of collective grief to unpack. It’s possible that Jupiter’s journey through Pisces brings up a lot of emotional intensity for folks, as the grief and trauma come up to the surface to be processed.

When Jupiter moves from Aquarius to Pisces, it moves from an external, idea-focused way of expressing itself to the internal, self-reflective realm of Pisces. Instead of living in the realm of communication and ideas, Jupiter is expressing itself through the emotional, fluid, changeable mode of Pisces. There is less of an emphasis on facts and figures, and a greater emphasis on feelings and emotions. If Aquarius communicates through a formal memo, Pisces communicates through art and poetry and murmurs in the dark.

This is a time for getting back in touch with our feelings, dreams and inspiration. It’s about reconnecting to our spirit and souls and getting in touch with our deep motivations. It’s a beautiful opportunity for deep healing and restoration of our hearts, minds and psyches.

Big feelings, big grief

When is Jupiter in Pisces, I expect there to be a shift toward acknowledging and processing the emotional weight and collective trauma of the past two years. We’ve been through a lot while Jupiter was in Capricorn and Aquarius, and now that we are gaining some distance (not that the pandemic is over, by any stretch of the imagination!), we are starting to realize how much the long-term trauma is affecting us.

When Jupiter is in Pisces, expect things to get emotional. Jupiter brings expansion and exploration wherever it goes, and in Pisces, we are exploring and expanding our emotions. Explorations of sadness and grief are an important part of the human experience, and Jupiter in Pisces is a great time to get in touch with that part of ourselves. There’s nothing to do about this except to allow yourself to feel what you feel and take care of yourself while you do so.

Imagination, intuition and creativity

One of the things I’m most looking forward to about Jupiter in Pisces is an increase in creativity, inspiration and wonder. Jupiter is a planet associated with cosmic wonder and the very human desire to feel connected to something larger than oneself.

While in Pisces, Jupiter wants to reconnect to magic, mysticism and dreamscapes. Jupiter loves to explore and gain experience, and while in Pisces, it wants to explore the depths of creativity and imagination. This is a great time to establish a spiritual practice or creative routine so that all the ideas and dreams have a space to be witnessed and seen. Otherwise, we might get tons of ideas, but never actually do anything with them.

Jupiter in Pisces will be a great time to set aside time to explore your creative side. This can look like signing up for an art class, buying a cheap set of watercolours, or starting a daily meditation practice. Carving out time and space for imagination can be very fruitful at this time, as it helps us to connect to spirits and messages beyond the earthly realms.

Jupiter is also associated with mentors and teachers — if there is a spiritual practice you are interested in, this is a great time to seek out folks whose work you connect with and who might have new ideas for you. However, be careful about exactly who you trust and how far you take these lessons... with Jupiter in Pisces, not all is what it seems...

In general, I expect there to be an increase in magical thinking and creative expression while Jupiter is in Pisces. On the Astrology Podcast forecast episode, they also talked about the connection between Jupiter in Pisces and the rise of virtual/augmented reality. This “reality beyond reality” or “world of limitless imagination” is very fitting for Jupiter in Pisces, which wants us to expand our definition of reality to include the mystical and wonderful.

Beware of escapism, fantasy, illusion — Jupiter conjunct Neptune

Beware of escapist tendencies and getting swept away in fantasy. Jupiter in Pisces is rich in imagination and wonder, and poor in fact-checking. If things seem too good to be true, there might be a reason...

There is an extra emphasis on delusion, escapism and fantasy this year thanks to the planet Neptune. Neptune is also in Pisces, and because Jupiter expands whatever it touches, we can expect to see an intensification of Neptunian energy and themes while Jupiter is in the mutable water signs.

Neptune is a planet of delusion, confusion, and fantasies. Often with Neptune, we are dealing in the realm of fantasy and illusion — things aren’t quite what they appear, and it’s easy to get swept away because we want something to be true, so badly. As a result, Neptune transits tend to bring about feelings of disappointment and disillusionment, as we are forced to reckon with not getting what we want.

When Jupiter and Neptune come together, Jupiter brings its expansiveness and optimism to Neptune’s glamour and mystery. Jupiter-Neptune energy can result in grand ideals and expansive visions. There can be an overflowing of creative expression and feelings of wonder, as we feel drawn towards “re-enchanting the world” and yearning for something magical and world-changing.

However, this energy also brings with it a tendency to be overly optimistic or naive. There’s a possibility of being too generous with your time, energy, compassion and resources. There is also the danger of someone else trying to take advantage of you or obscure the truth in some way.

This energy reaches its peak on April 12, 2022, when Jupiter and Neptune join at 24° Pisces. Watch out for themes around fads, cults, religious fervour... anything that requires a dangerous leap of faith. Jupiter is associated with teachers, mentors and religious leaders, so beware of anybody who doesn’t practice what they preach or any leader who requires you not to doubt or question.

This is an important time to think critically and be skeptical. It’s always a good practice to question what people want you to believe and what their underlying motivations are. The danger with this transit is that we can so badly want something to be true, we get carried away and ignore the red flags.

Key dates for Jupiter in Pisces

  • Jupiter enters Pisces on December 28, 2021, where it will be until May 10, 2022.

  • April 12, 2022: Jupiter conjunct Neptune at 24° Pisces

  • April 30, 2022: Venus conjunct Jupiter at 27° Pisces (same day as the solar eclipse in Taurus)

  • Jupiter will then reach 9° before stationing retrograde on July 28 and re-entering Pisces on October 28, 2022. It will spend November and December in Pisces, before returning to Aries on December 20, 2022.

But we have already had a taste of Jupiter in Pisces already. From May - July 2021, Jupiter was in Pisces. Think back to what happened during these three months: what ideas were planted? What started to grow?

Discover what Jupiter in Pisces has in store for you.

Every person will experience Jupiter in Pisces differently, depending on your birth chart. Learn what gifts and expansion Jupiter will bring to your birth chart in your 2022 year ahead forecast. Book your appointment today!